Our Veterinarian, Andrew Parker

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Hello, my name is Andrew Parker, I have been a veterinarian for 27 years and my passion for learning and understanding Veterinary Science remains. I believe, keeping an open mind and wanting to truly understand animal diseases leads to better diagnosis and treatment plans.
Andrew Parker BVSc MVSc MACVSc

Academic Achievements

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland, 1992
  • Master of Veterinary Science, University of Queensland,  2003
  • Member of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists, by examination in epidemiology, July 2001
  • Grades of Seven (7) achieved in two post-graduate Applied Veterinary Epidemiology subjects: ANIM 7012/7013, June 2001
  • Research into Dog Tick Paralysis Published in the Australian Veterinary Practitioner November 2005

Master of Veterinary Science Research Project

Andrew Parker’s research project was a clinical study examining correlations between admissions of dogs to a veterinary surgery over a one year period and weather patterns. Dog problems were classified into one of fourteen different diseases (e.g. diarrhea, vomiting, itching) and were analysed for statistical correlations with nine weather factors (e.g. maximum temperature, minimum temperature, day length).

The data was studied to determine if dogs of certain breeds, age or sex were at greater risk of being presented. A range of graphs were produced from the data.

For example, the relationship between the number of dogs seen for severe itch and maximum and minimum temperature is shown below. The correlation between the variables was between 0.26 and 0.79 (maximum value of one) with less than one in twenty chance of the result not being significant.

After completion of the research masters Andrew Parker was invited to present his findings to the small animal group of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists.

Applied Veterinary Epidemiology

ANIM 7012/7013

During the masters degree Andrew Parker completed two subjects while continuing to work full time. Andrew Parker received a grade of seven for both of these subjects. These subjects involved class presentations and critical reviews of scientific articles and covered topics ranging from principles of study design to outbreak investigation and estimating disease prevalence.

Research into Dog Tick Paralysis Published in the Australian Veterinary Practitioner

During the spring of 2004 all owners of dogs which suffered from tick paralysis completed a questionnaire about their home environment, proximity to bush and waterways and frequency of walks and baths. Data was also collected about each cases breed and age. Healthy dogs seen during the same time period that matched cases breed and age were then selected as controls.

Owners of controls filled out the same questionnaire. Results were then statistically analysed for significant variations. This study was written as a scientific article, subject to strict peer review and accepted for publication in the journal of the Australian Small Animal Veterinary Association, The Australian Veterinary Practitioner, Volume 35, issue 4, December 2005.

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